Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Meeting: 22 July 2023 at 09:00 at Lyttelton Methodist church

Good day ladies

And whoosh, just like that it is time again for our next meeting, and one to look forward to we may add!

We shall have a very interesting guest speaker, Elsa Toerien, whom some of you may know. She is a retired professor in Clothing and Textiles and also an avid quilter, so do not miss this Saturday's meeting!

We are also due to receive another block for our mystery quilt for the year from Danèl - your quilts should be taking nice shape by now - very few unknown blocks left :-)

Besides that we think of displaying all the baby quilts we have received so far for our charity project, so we can take stock and maybe just inspire those who just need that one little bit of convincing to finish theirs. Claire will be ready again with a very easy block design for a baby quilt in case you are still undecided about that.

So, make sure you come along, dress warmly and bring a friend!

See you on Saturday, quilt regards

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