Monday, January 9, 2023

Notice of Meeting: 28 January 2023


Good day ladies

Wishing you all a fantastic 2023 with lots of creativity and projects to fill your heart with joy!

We kick off right away with the year's activities with our first meeting on the 28th of January. A small 'committee' has come together after receiving your inputs at the last meeting and there will be a few changes this year, based on your feedback :-), the most details of which we shall share at the meeting.

You will recall that one of the discussions was about a charity project and eventually we resolved that we shall make crib quilts this year, the charity or charities we can donate to will depend on the number of quilts. After deliberation we thought it good to give you as much freedom as possible in participating in this initiative, therefore:

-  An approximate size of 32 " x 40" is proposed. If a few inches bigger or smaller it will also not be a problem.

-  You can choose any block size and design that you want that will work for you*

-  You can make as many quilts as you want for the project

- Remember that the idea is to repurpose our scraps so please try not to go buy special baby fabric!  

If you are industrious and already want to bring a completed quilt to the meeting you are most welcome, but no pressure!

We are happy to announce that there is also going to be a Mystery Quilt-along this year to be presented by Danel, the first chapter will be revealed at the meeting :-) 

There are a few other surprises as well, but for now, just make a note of the date and as always, bring your R20 entrance fee, a mug for coffee or tea and Show and Tell! Oh yes, and remember to think about it so that you can confirm the quilts you are able / willing to put forward for the exhibition at the Jacaranda Friendship meeting on the 11th of Feb 2023. Arrangements for collection of the quilts to be confirmed at the meeting. 

*We shall be sharing some easy block designs at the meeting if you do not know how to tackle the project or need some ideas.

Until the 28th, keep well and keep quilting!

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