Monday, February 6, 2023

Mystery Quilt 2023 - Block 1

 The Mystery Quilt for 2023 is in a Table Runner consisting of five 8inch blocks placed on point.


The table runner can be made in any colour scheme. This is the estimated yardage needed to complete the top. 

The first block, is the old time favourite: Diamond in a square, in a square... 

This is what your quilt will look like after the first block.

Download 8inch Pattern

Well done Ladies! 

Exhibition at Jacaranda Quilters meeting 11 Feb 2023

Morning ladies.  

A friendly reminder that we are exhibiting our quilts this weekend at the Jacaranda Quilters meeting.

If you are able to come to the church on Friday morning at 10am to help us hang quilts, that would be much appreciated. You can bring your quilts with you on Friday but please let Claire  know how many you will be taking.

If you are unable to go on Friday but have quilts to exhibit, please drop them off with Claire in Irene or Kay in Wierda Park by Thursday.  Please call Claire/Kay to arrange a time.

Friendship meeting is at NG Kerk Wierdapark in Piet Hugo Street.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Charity Baby Quilts - Project

Our charity project for the year is to make crib quilts. The charity or charities we can donate to will depend on the number of quilts. After deliberation we thought it good to give you as much freedom as possible in participating in this initiative, therefore:

-  An approximate size of 32 " x 40" is proposed. If a few inches bigger or smaller it will also not be a problem.

-  You can choose any block size and design that you want that will work for you*

-  You can make as many quilts as you want for the project

- Remember that the idea is to repurpose our scraps so please try not to go buy special baby fabric!  

No pressure.